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fort knox 諾克斯堡〔美國聯邦政府的黃金貯存地〕。


Bold lane was included in the magazine ' s list of the world ' s top ten secure places , along with more established sites such as the fort knox bank vault , which boasts a 25 - tonne door and granite walls , and the baghdad bunker used by deposed iraqi leader saddam hussein . “ we didn ' t want to fill the list with banks and bases 鮑爾德路停車場躋身于該雜志所列的世界十大安全地點,其中有諾克斯堡金庫這樣更知名的地方(該銀行聲稱自己有25噸重的門和花崗巖的墻) ,以及已被廢黜的伊拉克領導人薩達姆曾使用過的巴格達地堡。

Without a guarantee on the integrity and identity of shared content , a p2p application runs the risk of introducing so many security holes that microsoft outlook - never a good example of security - will look like fort knox by comparison 沒有對共享內容的完整性和同一性的保證,一個p2p應用就會冒引入許多安全漏洞的風險,以至于microsoft outlook從來不是一個安全的好示例相比之下就會像fort knox一樣。

There were far more dollars in the world than there was gold in fort knox , and the possibility of a run on the u . s . gold stock , leading to a collapse of the world financial system , seemed all too real 世界各國的美元數量大大超過了美國國庫的黃金儲備,因此黃金擠兌并導致國際金融體制的崩潰似乎成為可能。

Come on . it ' s not fort knox . it ' s the department ofsanitation 別怕,這又不是什么秘密基地這可是環衛所